A Good Peanut Joke
There’s nothing in the world like a good peanut joke. Unless you’re this girl. But you’re not. So, right. Peanut joke.
Two peanuts were walking down the street.
One was assaulted.
There’s nothing in the world like a good peanut joke. Unless you’re this girl. But you’re not. So, right. Peanut joke.
Two peanuts were walking down the street.
One was assaulted.
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The girl was 15.
Don’t you just bet some parents will cop out and use that story to tell their young daughters that having boyfriends is dangerous?
Speaking of peanuts (and not those of the original “Little Folks” flavor), here’s an oldie but a goodie:
“Peanut sat on a railroad track, his heart was all a-flutter. The 5:15 came rushing past — TOOT! TOOT! Peanut butter.”
Hah! Violence + peanuts = joke.
Whoa! Talk about a good joke. That was awesome!
Good thing we put salt in most peanuts. How would we tell jokes if it was pepper?
Agreed. XD
I was like “i dont get-… oooh.. i get it… asSALTed.. haha… thats pretty clever….*feels all smart* yup”
one was assalted, the other was arroasted
lol the link is dead for the first joke but those following were good.
Lol thats funny but if i didnt read the comments i would have never knew what it ment…. ._.
Wow my teacher tells thi joke at the end of the year and he hasnt told it yet and i got curious so i dearched it not that funny